#编译方式,python3 文件名
#print('hello world')
mystring = 'hello world'
print (mystring)
num = input('Please enter an num :')
print ("now Doubling your num %d" % (int(num)*2))
pystr = 'Python'
iscool = 'is cool'print ('pystr[0] is %s.' % pystr[0])print ('pystr[2:5] is %s'% pystr[2:5])
#if test
count = 1if count > 1: print ("test 1")elif count == 1 : print ("test 2")
#while loop test
while count < 3: print("now count = %d" % count) count += 1 #for loop testprint("I like to use internet for:")for item in ['e-mail', 'net-surfing', 'homework']: print(item,)print()
#range test
for eachNum in [0,1,2]:
for eachNum in range(3): print(eachNum)print('test for string','*'*4)
foo = 'abs'
for s in foo: print(s)print('test of range and len')
for i in range(len(foo)):
print (foo[i],'%d'%i) squared = [x**2 for x in range(4)]for i in squared: print(i)
#function test
def addMe2Me(x): 'apply + operation to argument' return (x+x) print(addMe2Me([2,'4']))
#default function param test
def foo(debug=True): if debug: print('cur in debug mode') else: print('cur in realse mode') print('done')foo(False)
#class test
class Myfoo(object): version = 0.1def __init__(self,nm='John Doe'):
self.name = nm print('created a class instance for',nm) print('this is a ','test')def showname(self):
print('your name is ', self.name)def showverison(self):
print( self.version) foo = Myfoo()